Registration opens at 5 PM on March 15. Any registrations created before that time will be discarded!
This is a league for all Fort Collins Pickleball Club members with the following:
It is a ladder league, which means that you will be playing with players of a similar ability. You will play a game to 11 (win by 1) with each person on your starting court (3 games total). The person with the most points will move up a court and the person with the fewest points will move down a court. There will be 2 rounds of 3 games each evening.
You need to check in when you arrive. We will have roll call at 5:30 to catch anyone who has not checked in, followed by court assignments and the start of play, so if you can help set up nets or want some time to warm up, please show up before that time. If you are not present at the beginning of roll call, you may forfeit your spot that week.
Each league session is 4 weeks. Please don't sign up unless you anticipate that you will be able to play all four weeks.
If you will be unable to attend one of the sessions, please find a sub for yourself. (The available sub list on the Club website at MEMBERS->LADDER LEAGUE->SUB LIST is a good place to look.)
Finally, if you have already registered or put your name on the waitlist for a ladder league this month, please wait until 5 PM, Sunday, March 16 before registering for a second (or third) league. Again, I will discard extra registrations made before that time. This will give everyone a chance to register for at least one league each month.
Copyright 2023 Fort Collins Pickleball Club